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Seki Y* (2018) PRDM14 Is a Unique Epigenetic Regulator Stabilizing Transcriptional Networks for Pluripotency. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 6(12)

Okashita N, Suwa Y., Nishimura O, Sakashita N, Kadota M, Nagamatsu G, Kawaguchi M, Kashida H., Nakajima A, Tachibana M, Seki Y*, (2016) PRDM14 drives OCT3/4 recruitment via active demethylation in the transition from primed to naïve pluripotency. Stem Cell Reports, 7(6): 1072-1086

 1期生の岡下くん(現徳島大助教)の集大成の論文。ES細胞から分化誘導したエピブラスト様細胞 (EpiLC)にPRDM14を発現させると、能動的脱メチル化を介してOCT3/4を中心とした転写ネットワークを安定化し、ES細胞への脱分化が誘導されることを示した論文。朝日新聞、読売新聞、神戸新聞、日経産業新聞で紹介されました。

Okashita N, Sakashita N, Ito K, Mitsuya A, Suwa Y, Seki Y*, (2015) PRDM14 maintains pluripotency of embryonic stem cells through TET-mediated active DNA demethylation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 466(1):138-45

Okashita N#, Kumaki Y#, Ebi K#, Nishi M, Okamoto Y, Nakayama M, Hashimoto S, Nakamura T, Sugasawa K, Kojima N, Takada T, Okano M, Seki Y* (2014) PRDM14 promotes active DNA demethylation through the Ten-eleven translocation (TET)-mediated base excision repair pathway in embryonic stem cells. Development 141: 269-280

 すべての実験を独立後に行った初めての論文。ポスドク時代に同定したPRDM14が、博士課程の時に発見した始原生殖細胞での脱メチル化を制御している可能性を示唆する論文。 神戸新聞、日刊工業新聞に掲載されました。 受理までかなり苦労しましたが、今後数多くの論文に引用されることを期待しています。


Seki Y* and Okashita N, (2014) Epigenetic Reprogramming in Primordial Germ Cells in Mice. Journal of Mammalian Ova Research 30 : 95-100


Seki Y* (2013) Serum-mediated transgenerational effects on sperm: evidence for lamarckian inheritance?Hepatology 57: 1663-1665


Ohno R, Nakayama M, Naruse C, Okashita N, Takano O, Tachibana M, Asano M, Saitou M, Seki Y* (2013) A replication-dependent passive mechanism modulates DNA demethylation in mouse primordial germ cells. Development 140: 2892-2903

Highlighted in the "In This Issue" section.



Nakashima H, Kimura T, Kaga Y, Nakatani T, Seki Y, Nakamura T, Nakano T (2013) Effects of dppa3 on DNA methylation dynamics during primordial germ cell development in mice. Biology of Reproduction 88: 125

Ichiyanagi K, Li Y, Watanabe T, Ichiyanagi T, Fukuda K, Kitayama J, Yamamoto Y, Kuramochi-Miyagawa S, Nakano T, Yabuta Y, Seki Y, Saitou M, Sasaki H (2011) Locus- and domain-dependent control of DNA methylation at mouse B1 retrotransposons during male germ cell development. Genome Research 21: 2058-2066


Kurimoto K, Yamaji M, Seki Y, Saitou M (2008) Specification of the germ cell lineage in mice: a process orchestrated by the PR-domain proteins, Blimp1 and Prdm14. Cell Cycle 7: 3514-3518


Yamaji M#, Seki Y#, Kurimoto K#, Yabuta Y, Yuasa M, Shigeta M, Yamanaka K, Ohinata Y, Saitou M (2008) Critical function of Prdm14 for the establishment of the germ cell lineage in mice. Nature Genetics 40: 1016-1022

Cited over 200 times.



Seki Y, Yamaji M, Yabuta Y, Sano M, Shigeta M, Matsui Y, Saga Y, Tachibana M, Shinkai Y, Saitou M (2007) Cellular dynamics associated with the genome-wide epigenetic reprogramming in migrating primordial germ cells in mice. Development 134: 2627-2638

Research Highlight, PGCs' epigenetic travelogue. Nature Review Genetics 8: 568-569, (2007)

Cited over 200 times.



Yabuta Y, Kurimoto K, Ohinata Y, Seki Y, Saitou M (2006) Gene expression dynamics during germline specification in mice identified by quantitative single-cell gene expression profiling. Biology of Reproduction 75: 705-716


Seki Y*, Hayashi K, Itoh K, Mizugaki M, Saitou M, Matsui Y (2005) Extensive and orderly reprogramming of genome-wide chromatin modifications associated with specification and early development of germ cells in mice. Developmental Biology 278: 440-458

Cited over 300 times.



Suico MA, Yoshida H, Seki Y, Uchikawa T, Lu Z, Shuto T, Matsuzaki K, Nakao M, Li JD, Kai H (2004) Myeloid Elf-1-like factor, an ETS transcription factor, up-regulates lysozyme transcription in epithelial cells through interaction with promyelocytic leukemia protein. The Journal of biological chemistry 279: 19091-19098

Lu Z, Kim KA, Suico MA, Uto A, Seki Y, Shuto T, Isohama Y, Miyata T, Kai H (2003) ETS2 is involved in protein kinase C-activated expression of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor in human non-small lung carcinoma cell line, A549. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 303: 190-195


Seki Y, Suico MA, Uto A, Hisatsune A, Shuto T, Isohama Y, Kai H (2002) The ETS transcription factor MEF is a candidate tumor suppressor gene on the X chromosome. Cancer Research 62: 6579-6586


Suico MA, Koyanagi T, Ise S, Lu Z, Hisatsune A, Seki Y, Shuto T, Isohama Y, Miyata T, Kai H (2002) Functional dissection of the ETS transcription factor MEF. Biochimica et biophysica acta 1577: 113-120

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